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ARIANNA CONCA, Chiesi Affinity Networks

Arianna Conca is a pioneer in Diversity and Inclusion at Chiesi Group, where she started her D&I journey five years ago, when the issues in question were less topical than today. She has had the opportunity to be involved in and contribute to the cultural evolution of the company. Today Arianna tells us about the CHIESI AFFINITY NETWORKS project: a model of inclusion and an experience in creativity and innovation.
By Marta Bello
18 Dec 2024

How did your D&I journey begin?

I have worked at Chiesi since 2015, dealing with selection, training, and Human Resources development. With the company’s decision to adopt the status of a Benefit Corporation in 2018 in Italy and the United States (and later in France), and the achievement of B Corp certification in 2019, the topic of D&I emerged for the first time as part of the strategic plan. At the time, I was not very familiar with the subject, nor did I know of any structured study paths that specialized in the field. I started from the book “Diversity and Inclusion. Ten dialogues with Diversity managers” by Valentina Dolciotti, a strategic consultant in the D&I field; since then, I have learned a lot through networking and talking to people from other sectors (companies, associations, consultants). At the time I dealt with these issues in terms of training; however, over the years the role has evolved its own identity as “Diversity, inclusion, and well-being”. This year the journey that started in 2019 has been formally recognized for its strategic importance within the company: now, in fact, in my role I refer directly to the Group HR Officer (who is part of the executive committee). This passage sends a clear message: the principles, policies, behaviors and actions related to diversity, inclusion and well-being are a strategic lever for the company and a business priority. These are the ingredients we have identified to combine business success and social impact.

How did the Chiesi Affinity Network come about and what are they?

It all started in 2019 with the introduction of inclusion in the first strategic sustainability plan; Chiesi, an international biopharmaceutical company, has always had in its DNA a significant focus on well-being and quality of life. We take care of patients and their caregivers who are the collaborators of the communities in which we operate. When this focus was materialized into a strategic plan, one of the first actions was the creation of the Global D&I Committee: a committee initially made up of people from the HR department and subsequently extended to representatives from diverse company functions and locations tasked with defining strategies and promoting global actions. However, we soon realized that a crucial element was missing for a true cultural evolution: the active involvement of people. This is how in 2022 the Chiesi Affinity Network was officially born. The network is made up of spontaneous groups which offer our collaborators the opportunity to gather in a ‘protected space’ to discuss issues related to inclusion. The goal is to promote discussion among colleagues and propose solutions and concrete actions that the company considers and implements.

What makes the experience of the Chiesi Affinity Network special?

The Chiesi Affinity Network (CANs) offer valuable experience because they are open, transversal, voluntary groups made up of various departments, roles, organizational levels, expertise and corporate seniority etc. We know that the combination of these elements is very powerful because they generate freedom of thought. It is important to underline that CAN participants are not only moved by their passion, but are highly competent, have a thorough knowledge of the topics and are proactive in presenting stimulating ideas. I particularly like the fact that these groups are connected and work with each other. A striking example of the success of the project is the Can Library which is an actual library. When I saw it I was amazed by the wealth and the design of the collection, by the ease of consultation and above all by the reading and reference recommendations. Our colleagues have also created a real physical library, from which books are lent out. It was made possible because they started with an awareness that we are in the middle of a cultural transformation and that these materials are vital supports for the evolution of thought and the spreading of knowledge. I believe that this is not only a new but also a constructive approach where innovation, creativity and productivity can thrive in a relaxed environment. I remember a participant once saying to me: “I feel good in this group, I can be myself and express myself freely”. The working teams in the company should all be like this! Psychologically safe and open spaces, where creativity is born and the most innovative solutions are found “.In CAN we try out humane leadership that is welcoming, flexible, open to exploration and ‘making it happen’. The projects are fresh, new and valuable to the well-being of the participants.

The experience has a global reach, right?

Yes, Chiesi Affinity Network is a global reality, with 26 groups present in countries such as the United States, Brazil, Pakistan and Russia, Spain, the UK, Germany and Greece. In Italy there are currently six groups, each with a specific focus: sexual orientation and gender identity (Arcobaleno Plaza), cultural integration (Culture), gender equality (Win), generational diversity (GenerActions), disability (Embracing disABILITy) and well-being for those with different lifestyles focusing on caregivers (Harmony). I have just returned from a trip to our American branch in North Carolina where I had the opportunity to work closely with the local CAN; in the US there is a focus on cultural minorities that make up the community namely, Latinos, Asians and veterans. I found management was highly invested in the work of the CAN and there was a drive and conviction in the groups aimed at practicing inclusion in clinical trials and with medical and patient associations.

In these D&I trips, what is the goal you are most proud of? What are the plans for the future?

I have several reasons to be satisfied. I am proud that generally in Chiesi we are trying out a humane style of leadership: leaders who are brave, forward looking, and encourage our people to rise to the challenges of our strategic plan. They do it with a sense of ‘caring for others’ and inclusion, and are open to diverse perspectives, ‘less conventional’ mindsets, styles and career paths. I am also proud that in Chiesi we have an ‘intersectional’ inclusion strategy that values and favors the emergence of the authenticity and uniqueness of people. As part of this journey and our ‘transversal’ strategy, we have put in place company structures to work on two important ‘global challenges’ that we carry out through global and local action plans. The first, launched at the end of 2021, is dedicated to gender equality in terms of equal pay and career and development opportunities. In less than a year, Chiesi has remedied the pay gap globally and has confirmed this result in both 2023 and 2024. The second, which started this year, is dedicated to promoting representation and integration for people with disabilities and our caregiver colleagues who are granted flexible work arrangements when needed. Our company values these people not only for their skills but also for the human condition they are living, which in no way detracts from their performance and the results they contribute in bringing. By 2024 we had defined action plans for all our branches.

How will it go?! I’ll tell you about it in the next article!

In general, I want to say that we have not ‘arrived’... but we are ‘on our way’ towards these destinations. A journey in ‘shared responsibility’ mode, in which our leaders, the Global D&I Committee, the departments with their different skills and people, and our precious Chiesi Affinity Networks cooperate.


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