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#7 - Sustainability

Seventh issue, cover story Telmo Pievani, philosopher of science, academic and evolutionist. Issue dedicated to the theme of sustainability and its connections with the ecology of the planet and inclusion.


Davide Sapienza, Rose Cartolari, Daniela Bernacchi, Silvia Baroncelli, Emma Amiconi, Marco Buemi, Giangi Milesi, Alessio Alberini, Igor Suran, Rossella Sobrero, Valeria Colombo, Claudio Guffanti, Telmo Pie- vani, Federico Bianchi, Andrea Rubera, Barbara De Micheli, Carla Serafini, Iliana Totaro, Laura Cremonini, Marco Campailla, Titti De Bonis, Federico Morganti, Maurizio Rivola, Martina Rogato, Luciana delle Donne, Angela Bianchi, Nicole Riva, Sila Mochi, Angelica Gatto, Silvia Rota Sperti, Mauro Danesi, Paola Suardi.

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