Company Storytelling

DIVERSITY & INCLUSION AT REFINITIV - Refinitiv provides data, analytics, trading, and risk assessment tools so you can trade smarter and faster, overcome regulatory challenges, and scale intelligently

13 Mar 2020

Audrey Campbell

At Refinitiv, we believe that emphasis on both diversity and inclusion play a great role in developing a dynamic, progressive and high-performing organization. The Refinitiv diversity & inclusion strategy is a multi-pronged approach in that we integrate these fundamentals into each area of our business. We align objectives and goals to these guiding principles so that we continuously create a business where diversity and inclusion are embedded into our culture, become central to who we are and part of everything that we do.  This approach helps cultivate our leadership behaviors, values and accountability. It also promotes a learning environment where constructive yet, disruptive thinking and cognitive diversity can be leveraged for increased innovation and unparalleled excellence. Building upon the skills of our people leaders is critical to our integrated approach. We challenge those in leading roles to lay D&I building blocks as a foundation for decisions and their unintended impacts. At Refinitiv, we strive to thoroughly align and advance accountability measures of our people leaders with diversity and inclusion essentials. The core of my role at Refinitiv as Head of Diversity & Inclusion strives to integrate D&I into every facet of our business. I aim to build a culture that leverages diverse perspectives, which in turn correlates to greater employee success and world-class solutions for Refinitiv customers.  This requires us to be clear about what we are doing and critically, what we are not doing. We are not fixing groups that are underrepresented in our business or in our senior leadership.  The important work aimed at addressing persistently underrepresented groups in senior leadership continues, although with some significant successes.  However, the rate and pace of change is slower than we would like to see, but we understand that as with all cultural shifts these too will take time and commitment with incremental successes along the way. Refinitiv consistently and proactively works towards an environment of increased D&I aligned goals that include areas such as: employee value proposition, recruitment, goals and reporting, promotions, talent pipelines and conversions, senior level representation, and employee benefits.

Diversity and inclusion principles help guide our organization’s decision-making processes and ensures that the impacts of those decisions affect all equitably, asserts why and how goals are defined as well as aids in setting compliance standards. We are focused on creating systemic behavioral change aimed not only at raising awareness about our biases, but also critically towards the unintended impact of collective biases that shape an organization’s culture. Additionally, we concentrate diversity and inclusion initiatives to help catalyze Refinitiv’s values and how our people leaders can interrupt any unintended impacts of their decision-making. At Refinitiv, ‘data is just the beginning’ and we analyze data to understand the impact of our decision-making.  To drive this evidence-based prong to our approach, we rely on research to understand the best strategies and methodologies available when addressing biases in our decisions and their derived outcomes. The analysis of the research allows us to strengthen our people leaders’ inclusive leadership skills, which is a key program we are driving here at Refinitiv. This initiative relies on the evidence-based work of recognized behavioral economists to create bespoke solutions for our organization. With data-driven insights, we aim to understand biases, their impacts and how those biases mold an organization’s culture of successes and challenges for employees. Additionally, we strive to make available the tools necessary for leaders to develop strategies that challenge the impact of their decisions and the expertise to interrupt processes when inopportune outcomes will result. This program journeys us towards a culture that empowers us to question status quo, align more explicitly with the fundamentals of diversity and inclusion and position Refinitiv as an organization of ‘learn it alls’ rather, than ‘know it alls.’ With the mobility to work across Refinitiv’s employee groups of all levels, I am committed to creating a company-wide D&I behavioral shift. This is an ongoing learning approach, not a one-off experience, and it is great to see that our senior leaders are advancing these changes starting with their own daily decision-making processes. As we champion an environment that inculcates such perspectives and openness, both Refinitiv’s internal and external networks will benefit. With diverse views and the power of inclusion, we are enabling ourselves to build market-leading solutions for our customers along with the ability to create a standard for organizational excellence.

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