Company Storytelling


07 Jan 2022

By editorial staff

People who join Mutti are already predisposed to wards Mutti’s values and ‘way of doing things.’ At the basis of relationships between people there is humility, the richness of those who know that there is always something to learn; there is respect, which comes from the pride of being part of an exemplary organisation; and there is solidarity, because nobody ever backs down.

These, and many others, are our strong, true, concrete values, and they are the foundation of a company that is over 120 years old.
A rapidly changing company, made up of many new hires (+40 out of the total 365 only in 2020) and many people who have been part of it for several years.

The average age of an employee in the company is 40,2, as a result of the many employees under 35 in the company – over 10% of the total population already has managerial responsibilities – and of those who have been with Mutti for over 15 years, dedicated to the values of the company and
transmitting them to new arrivals.

Just to safeguard this solid continuity of values, Mutti has committed itself to implementing several company programmes that are different from each other, but together aim to create an opportunity for development for employees by strengthening and sharing the most important value assets.

One example of this is the onboarding process, which is tailored to all new entrants to the company, in order to facilitate new employees’ beginning their work through active and tangible support. This programme foresees a series of one-to-one meetings with colleagues dedicated to different company functions, who are particularly representative of the company and with whom the new employee will collaborate more in the future.

Another project set up by Mutti, in order to enable productive and effcient intergenerational exchange, is Mentoring: a programme directly involving a Mentor (a more senior figure) and a Mentee (a middle or junior-level figure). Mentoring is a development path designed to create moments when things can be shared and discussed in which the Mentor, usually selected from among Mutti’s Function Heads and Country Managers, acts as an inspirational model for the Mentee.
The Mentoring path promoted by Mutti started about a year ago and is currently expanding to involve employees in the different international branches of the company.

Still on the subject of the co-generation of value and comparison, there are two other paths that can be counted among the opportunities for growth and exchange:

  1. the first is a leadership development path designed for New Managers, i.e. people who fnd themselves, for the first time, in a position with signifcant managerial responsibilities, which aims to provide management and awareness development tools to our new resource leaders, whether they are new employees or already established fgures in the company and included in a growth path;
  2. the second is an Action Learning programme which, by working in subgroups on strategic inter-functional projects with high added value, enables our people to create networks and consolidate relationships at various organisational and seniority levels within the organisation, all suitably supported by learning and reflection on the dynamics of horizontal leadership and VUCA (Volatility Uncertainty, Complexity, Ambiguity).

In fact, the main objective is to share common values through out the group in order to promote integration, seeking to create a group culture that transcends territorial boundaries.

However, it is necessary to underline an important facet: all these activities are designed to create two-way personal development and growth to beneft both the senior and junior figures.
Inspiring people and acting as a role model is a central purpose for Mutti. This is why InspirinGirls has been introduced, an extremely interesting initiative promoted by Valore D that involves some of Mutti’s employees who have specialised in STEM activities and are working at production sites or in logistics centres.
These are women who have spoken about their professional path to children attending secondary schools, in order tocreate a dialogue with future generations and to raise awareness and encourage young students to choose their careers without preconceptions.

Mutti’s story, which is already over one hundred years old, has been made possible by the people who participate every day with passion, dedication and spirit of enterprise.
These are 3 vital elements that characterise a tangible and visionary company culture, which stimulates employees to always put take chances and not take anything for granted.
It is a sincere, authentic, special culture and, for this reason, Mutti remains determined to hand it down to future generations.

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